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Patient Testimonials

 " My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant

for three years when I first went to see Dr. Kessler
I had dealt with migraines,nausea ,stomach pain,

constant fatigue, infrequent menstrual cycles,

and irregular bowel movements for quiet some time.

As much as I still wanted to have children, I just wanted

to be able to have a normal healthy life. I took more naps

and had less energy then many people I knew twice my age.

My first appointment was in October of 2015.

Dr.Kessler tested me and found that my thyroid

was fluctuating constantly. ( I had before considered

that as the problem but when I researched it, found

that I had symptoms of both hyper and hypo thyroidism.

.My frustration was complete I didn't know what to do.)

He prescribed a vitamin supplement for my thyroid,

and predicted that many of my symptoms ,including

my menstrual cycles would regulate themselves in a

few short months. Within a month I noticed a change.

I had more energy ,,slept less,had very few migraines,

and almost no stomach sickness. By the end of the year,

I started my first menstrual cycle in almost 6 months!

I continued to improve gradually. Dr. Kessler also

discovered at a later appointment that my iron levels

were low,so we began to work on that too.

By the middle of February, I conceived . We are expecting

our first child, and next week,we find out if we are

having a boy or a girl. My husband and I are soooo

happy ! l am very thankful for Dr. Kessler's work,

and still go to see him for routine checkups. His expertise

has been essential to my finally enjoying a healthy life."

-Melinda Engelhart

"I have worked with Dr Kessler as a patient and professionally

for over 6 years. He was a huge influence to help me heal from

a set of injuries that many specialists and doctors said would

never heal. I had torn my spinal ligaments in over 20 places,

ripped all of my ribs off, collapsed my lungs, bruised my heart,

forced air out from my lungs into my chest cavity.  I had a

herniated disc in my low back and also had ripped both of

my shoulders, along with a slew of other old injuries and surgeries.

I was facing a year of painful injections at best and was still told

by five different specialists that my ligaments would never heal

completely and that I would never be able to ride horses, bike,

or surf again.  Yet Dr. Kessler helped heal my pituitary and

adrenal glands and now my ligaments feel like NEW.  I went

back to some of the same specialists and they could not believe

the healing that had occurred - NATURALLY and

without surgeries or drugs.
He got to the root of my health issues quickly and economically.
He helped me so much that I started inviting him to treat people

in my rural community over 3 hrs each way from VB.
He also is an integral part of our company's wellness program-

giving us someone who can actually heal our bodies instead

of treat symptoms.
Dr Kessler would come down and treat very sick people and

helped them get off of prescription medicines or greatly

reduce them.  He has helped my friends and colleagues

when they are in intense pain - whether from migraines,

injury, kidney stones or acid re-flux.
I have seen Dr Kessler gift over 30 people in my community

with their precious health and energy - helping ease physical

and emotional pain and dysfunction.
He helped one dear friend who was almost bedridden from

oozing leg edema and leg wounds from his diabetes and

blood pressure. My friend also could almost not speak because

of a past stroke. Under Dr Kessler's care, my friend got off of

all but one of his 13 prescription meds, started walking and

driving again, and could communicate with others more easily

- when he was previously almost impossible to understand

because of the slurred speech.
This friend even started dancing again!
Also Dr Kessler has succeeded in healing our horses, dogs, and

cats. Time and again I have seen him help patients in the

middle of the night or weekends ...and checks up on them

frequently throughout their healing journey.
Once you experience his treatments you will not only

feel better, and see how much Dr. Kessler truly understands

the complex inter-workings of the body and its organs, but

you will feel how much he genuinely CARES!

-Val Dixon​

"Several years ago my dermatologist diagnosed me with psoriasis. He offered the standard medical medications  for this skin disorder, but I declined because the side effects of these medications were problematical when taken long term. Ed Kessler, a Contact Reflexology Therapist,  treated me with alternative methods and subsequently the symptoms have remained in remission the past 1 1/2 years with no negative side effects. Several of my friends who were suffering from serious illnesses have reported to me that he has also helped them a great deal with their health challenges.  I therefore have a great deal of respect for the healing practices of Ed Kessler and would recommend him to others."

-Bruce Shelton

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